What is the right meal plan for me?

全球十大赌钱排行app很自豪地提供与我们住宿学生社区的多样性和生活方式相匹配的几种膳食计划选择. 一年级学生必须选择标准计划或高级计划, 这样他们就可以体验到校园餐饮所提供的一切,而不会有刷卡用完的风险.

Sophomore, junior, 老年住宿学生有资格从更广泛的计划中选择,以满足他们的生活方式和餐饮需求.


住宿研究生的住宿费中不包括膳食计划. If you are interested in enrolling in a residential meal plan, please contact the Campus Dining team at dining@reverse-mortgage-explained.com to learn more about the available options.


Can residential students opt out of a meal plan?

All residential students are required to purchase a meal plan.


What if I want to change my meal plan?

学生在秋季注册期间选择整个学年的膳食计划. 学生可以在秋季学期和春季学期的第二周改变他们的饮食计划. 在指定的时间框架之外,不允许更改膳食计划. Students wanting to switch plans should keep their eye on The Bridge (校园电子通讯),了解如何在每学期指定的一周内改变他们的膳食计划.


Where can I see my meal swipe and Birdie Bucks balances?

The GET app 是一个移动和桌面应用程序,学生可以登录查看他们的餐刷和Birdie Bucks的实时余额. 如果学生们花光了全部的“小鸟币”和他们的膳食计划, they can use the Get APP to purchase additional Birdie Bucks.



全球十大赌钱排行app认识到我们需要满足食物过敏学生的需求. 使用完全不含八大过敏原和面筋的特殊配方, “灵感饮食”是咖啡厅为有特殊饮食需求的学生设计的概念. 此外,咖啡馆还提供无麸质和素食选择. 坎贝尔学生会的餐厅也提供不含过敏原的选择,作为常规菜单的一部分.

Students with severe, 诊断出食物过敏或有健康状况的人可以申请住宿,以确保他们在日常供应之外有安全的食物选择. You can apply for a dining accommodation by visiting the Food Allergy & Dining Accommodation webpage.



Parents, guardians, 或其他亲属可以在任何时候代表他们的学生加入额外的小鸟币 GET app.

  • On a desktop computer or tablet, visit get.cbord.com/carthage to make a deposit.
  • 点击页面底部题为“存入学生账户”的链接.”
  • Enter your student’s ID number.
  • Complete the form to pay with a credit or debit card.

您的学生将收到一封电子邮件通知,资金已添加到他们的Birdie Bucks余额中. 未使用的小鸟币将在学年结束时到期. 使用GET应用程序添加的未使用的小鸟币可以从学期结转到学期, year to year, 只要持卡人是全球十大赌钱排行app的在校学生或雇员.



通勤学生将有机会在秋季注册期间购买膳食块计划. 如果通勤学生在注册期间忘记购买计划或需要购买额外的膳食块, they can visit Student Financial Services on the 4th floor of Lentz Hall. Your meals will be available in one business day.


Why can’t I use a Meal Exchange at Starbucks?

作为特许经营合作伙伴,星巴克不接受换餐. 学生可以使用小鸟币、现金、信用卡或借记卡购买食品和饮料.



J-Term 为期四周的课程是否在30周的学年之外进行. During this period, 校园的住宿学生人数较少,校园餐饮地点在调整后的时间运营. During J-Term, 全球十大赌钱排行app很高兴为参加校内课程的住宿学生提供每天两次的餐刷,不收取任何额外费用. 当春季学期开始时,学生们将恢复正常的计划.


Does campus dining operate during breaks?

During breaks when residential halls close (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring Break), Campus Dining is not operational. 申请在休息期间留校的学生应相应地计划在校外用餐.

在较短的休息期间,宿舍仍然开放(秋季休息), Easter Break), campus dining locations operate on adjusted hours.


我要求在春季学期结束后延长逗留时间. What are my dining options?




春季学期结束后,校园餐饮停止营业. 由于这个原因,夏天没有提供膳食计划. The Caf is open for external summer camps. Faculty, staff, 欢迎暑期学生/住客自费享用早餐, lunch, or dinner when in operation for camps.


What happened to Carthage Cash?

Birdie Bucks have replaced Carthage Cash. $1=1 Birdie Buck. 所有校园餐厅和校园书店都接受小鸟币. Birdie Bucks added to your Carthage ID card using the GET App will roll over each academic year until your graduation.